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Metal powder injection molding-MIM process introduction

Release time:2021-04-15 09:30:45

Metal injection molding (MIM) is a molding method in which a plasticized mixture of metal powder and its binder is injected into a mold. Modern plastic injection molding technology is introduced into the field of powder metallurgy to form a new near-net forming processing technology for metal parts. It is a high-tech that has developed rapidly in the field of powder metallurgy in recent years. The process steps of MIM are: first select the metal powder that meets the requirements of MIM and the organic binder, mix them into a uniform feed under a certain temperature condition, and use an appropriate method, and then use an injection molding machine under heating and plasticizing after granulation. Inject into the mold cavity to obtain the formed blank, then undergo degreasing treatment by chemical or solvent extraction methods, and finally obtain the final product by sintering and densification.

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